17 Haziran 2012 Pazar

Select the right size breast implants

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How to select the right size breast implants, the woman with the biggest breast, augmentation breastHow to select the right size breast implants
If you are thinking about breast enlargement, exactly how will certainly you choose your breast implant sizes?. A strangely enough the biggest cause for breast implant version procedures is simply to change the breast implant sizes chosen by the patient for the medical procedures..  This statistic highlights the fact that women often pick their new breast implant sizes without enough investigation. a however this can result in important unhappiness with the success of the procedure..  Since all the prices and risks of succeeding procedures are included the second or third time around, it is an expensive and risky problem.. There are many methods available to choose your breast implant sizes that you should know about. while a medical expert may prefer the method they have always used, it is important for you to take control of the decision since you will be the one living with the results! primary methods to choose breast implant sizes as i began to research this issue i found an useful breast enlargement promotional video from 1992 starring Cindy Crawford. the doctor in this video uses the best method they had available at the time which was to use a marker to draw on a photograph showing what the patient might look like with breast implants. a the drawing on the photo he made showed the effect of a couple different breast implant sizes. considering the importance of the decision let us see how the industry is working towards solutions today.
  • ·         The rice test to choose breast implant sizes
  • The water baggie test
  • Before and after photos of different breast implant sizes
  • 3 D imaging in doctor’s office to choose breast implant sizes
  • Breast implant sizes simulating breast implant sizes(the latest and best method)
The rice test for breast implant sizes the rice test for breast augmentation is pretty basic and is only slightly less primitive than the method used by the doctor drawing on a photo noted earlier. the industry has used it however and some surgeons seem to recommend it primarily because it is so simple and inexpensive. the entire rice test to help choose your breast implant sizes should only cost you about five to ten dollars. the basic principle is this fill a plastic bag with a comparable volume of rice and then stuff it in a bra. it should give you a very rough idea of how large your breasts will be after the implants have been placed. here is the recipe for the rice test:
  • Get a 2 pound bag of rice…or birdseed works fine as well
  • 2 large sandwich baggies
  • A bra in the size you want to be, preferably a sports bra (the only real cost to be considered). 
Now measure the rice to match the cc’s of the implant you are considering. if you do not have a metric measuring cup here is a conversion chart for you to use: 1 cup = 236cc â¾ cup = 177cc 2/3 cup = 156cc â½ cup = 118cc 1/3 cup = 78cc â¼ cup = 59cc 1/8 cup = 30cc using the chart above, if you wanted to create a 300cc implant size, use 1 cup (236cc) plus 1/4 cup (59cc) of rice. the total (295cc) will give you a rough look at what you could look like with a 300cc implant benefits to the rice test to choose breast implant sizes: cheap and you can try it right now! problems: a plastic bag of rice or birdseed looks just like it sounds. the results of this test show in the statistics today with the leading cause for dissatisfaction being the regret over the breast implant sizes chosen. a you cannot really wear it anywhere. if you try it on for a hour or two…well, you will smell like a rice cooker! if the biggest complaint with breast augmentation is incorrect breast implant sizes, why would you want to use the primitive method that has caused some of these problems? a with technological advances today you should really consider investing in a good breast implant sizing system (described below). for about a hundred bucks you can get the latest technology in breast implant sizing. with the newest breast implant sizes you can actually wear different breast implant sizes throughout the day. breast implant sizes help with breast implant sizes a few years ago a few different breast implant sizing systems came to the market which were a huge improvement over the old rice test. these systems, which are still on the market today, are plastic bags pre-filled with a comparable volume of water to that of breast implants. these are pretty inexpensive – about forty to sixty bucks. they work fine for standing in front of a mirror but not really for going out a while wearing them. as a bag of water, the ripples of the tester implant show through the bra. still, i like these better than the rice test. as the first generation of breast implant sizes they were a great idea. while you get a chance to try on sizes during your consultation for breast implants, you will only get about twenty minutes to try them on. sizing systems allow having sizes at home so you can try them on in a variety of different clothing. the early implant sizes gave you the option for trying them on at home, but not to go out and try on different breast implant sizes in public. breast implant sizes’ the next generation the next generation of breast implant sizes are designed so that you can actually wear these sizes throughout the day. they actually look like a natural breast within a bra. basically the first generation is designed to look like a breast implant, while the next generation is designed to look like a breast within a bra. the big difference is that the newer generation can actually help you acclimate to your new breast size. this is the first breast sizing method that is designed to help you with the total decision with breast implant sizes. the newest generation of sizes can actually help you with the psychological issue that is causing the biggest problem in this area. with implant sizes you can try out various sizes while at work, at home, or at play. you can actually go out shopping and try on the new clothing you will need due to your new breast size. women have even worn their sizes to work, to meetings, out for an evening on the town. the value of this is that you are really taking control of the size decision by trying out different breast implant sizes before the day of surgery. you get a chance to experience—not just look in a mirror. similar in size and dimension to breast implant sizes the newest sizes are available in a wide range: 150cc, 175cc, 200cc, 225cc, 250cc, 275cc, 300cc, 325cc, 350cc, 375cc, 400cc, 425cc, 450cc, 475cc, 500cc, 550cc, 600cc, 700cc breast implant sizes and emotions here is what seems to be happening in regards emotionally when deciding on the appropriate implant size:
  • while making the decision on having larger breasts, a woman may feel self-conscious about how she will look or how she will be perceived with her new body.
  • she sometimes relies primarily on discussion, or maybe a preview of her new breast size using sizes in the doctor’s office to make her breast implant size decision. 
  • after the breast augmentation procedure, she receives compliments and feels better about herself. She finds that she feels good and that her fears of how she will be perceived were exaggerated. 
  • within a few days or weeks she wishes she had picked a different breast implant size. 

the woman with the biggest breast

This scenario happens all too often. doctors sometimes report that about half of all women wish they had chosen a different size, while many of them wish they had chosen bigger breast implant sizes. the advantage to the newest generation of sizes is that is that it allows you to try on breast implant sizes in public and get over any psychological misperceptions you might have. just try them out for a weekend or two and you will soon start to see what i am talking about. besides that, it is just plain fun to try on a few different breast implant sizes. breast implant sizes – photos on the internet there a lot of great sites on the internet which show photos of breast augmentations performed on other women. doctor websites use tafter the breast augmentation procedure, she receives compliments and feels better about herself. She finds that she feels good and that her fears of how she will be perceived were exaggerated.  Doctor websites use these to help you make a decision about breast implant sizes based upon another woman’s body. these can be helpful especially in terms of inspiration! the best suggestion with before and after breast augmentation photos is to try and find a picture of a woman’s body similar in age and weight to yours. see how the larger breast size looks on these photos. i especially like the websites that give you a database of before and after photos so you can quickly sort through photos to get to the ones that pertain to you. one huge word of caution here, however: breast implant sizes on one woman may look very different on you, even if your age and body type are similar. the reason for this is that each woman’s body is unique, right down to the strength and size of the muscles that the implant is being placed under. before and after breast augmentation photos should be a tool, but take care in terms of placing too much value on them. the water baggie test for breast implant sizes basically the idea with this test is to start by getting a bra in the size that you want to be. place a plastic bag in the bra. now carefully fill up the bag with water until you get to a breast size you want. now empty the bag of water and measure the contents. a the theory is that the volume of water should result in the appropriate breast implant sizes. unfortunately, with this method the water tends to spill out of the baggie and requires great care to get the sizing right. a it is difficult even to try on various clothing as your movement is quite limited due to the bags of water. a as another relatively primitive method it is still recommended by many. breast implant sizes – 3d digital imaging this is a good idea and there are millions of dollars invested by companies into this technology. with the new 3d digital imaging machines, the doctor and his assistant take your photo in their office. they use software to create a digital image of your torso as a preview to what you would look like with breast implants in various breast implant sizes. i like this technology because it is far more accurate than a hand drawn photo! it is an excellent method to help you with choosing the right breast implant sizes to wear. conclusion—take control of the breast implant sizes decision i simply want to encourage you to take control of the important decision regarding your breast implant sizes. so many women are choosing breast augmentation today and i think the need for revision procedures after surgery is needless. hopefully if you use all of these methods you will get enough information to make a good decision the first time!.

augmentation breast

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