18 Haziran 2012 Pazartesi

A Lucky Rescue

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Last Thursday I was leaving work at 5:30pm, I was walking down the stairs heading towards the carpark when I thought I heard a rustling in the bushes near the fishpond. So I started to look around thinking it was a bunny rabbit which are known to migrate there. Upon further inspection I saw a small dog struggling to keep afloat in the fish pond. I dropped all my bags and ran over to the pond and scooped the dog from the water. I raced back inside and screamed for help. Colleagues found towels to wrap the the dog up and I held him softly and just whispered to him that everything would be alright.
I name the dog Lucky. After twenty minutes Lucky walked around. My boss reminded me not to pat the dog too much because we don't know if he would bite.
We got him a bowl of water and a plate of salmon. Lucky didn't want Salmon so I got him 3 Milk Arrowroot biscuits (which are my favourite). I broke them into small pieces and left them on the floor with lucky. A work colleague called the local animal services.
Lucky didn't have a collar so we couldn't contact anyone.
Animal services couldn't get there before 6:45, so Lucky came into my office to hang out. Lucky explored all around and we bonded. Lucky jumped up on my lap and cried for cuddles which I happily gave to Lucky.
After an hour together we were playing and having a great time. Then animal services showed up and I started to cry.
I wanted to take Lucky home with me, but obviously we didn't know if he would be okay with Chi-Chi or if he is carrying any diseases.

Today I called the local animal services to see how Lucky was going and if there owner had been able to be contacted. Lucky is still at the local animal shelter, has no ID and not a single enquiry has been made about Lucky. I cried again because Animal Services are certain someone has just dumped this dog and that makes me very angry.
I really want to adopy Lucky, the problem is I am going away for three weeks and I can't just take the dog home and not be around to help out and I don't know how Chi-Chi will cope with a second dog.

I believe everything happens for a reason and that I was meant to find Lucky. I just hate the timing.
I want to take Lucky home but it's not that simple. I have till Sunday to decide if I can take him home with me or find him a nice home. I am very upset to think I cannot help this beautiful dog.

Lucky with my boss
Lucky jumped into my lap for a cuddle
How beautiful is this Dog?

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