17 Haziran 2012 Pazar

Media Just as Guilty of "Slut" Word as Rush Limbaugh

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We won't bother going over the why of the "slut" word was used by Rush Limbaugh, but rather at the media. Generally if someone is called a derogatory word the media blanks it out or fills it in with signs and symbols. So imagine my surprise that with a little Google magic, I found over 261 million references to it in search, all related to that one thing. If you put in Sandra Fluke you come up with over 312 million.

My question is why the media felt the need to perpetuate the word? Oh, sure it's for clicks and it also is an attention grabber, but when this dies down, it amazes me that the main thing that people will read of Sandra Fluke is that she is a 'slut' and it won't be off Rush Limbaugh's site, but all the news agencies and organizations who supposedly are doing it on her behalf.

Is that what she wants to be known for, that she got called a name? I doubt it. Because you see while everyone has been harping on the name calling, the issue she was trying to give a voice to has gone in the toilet.

I can guarantee you that if you asked ten people not attached to her or the media what her cause was, they would have no clue. People are outraged about the name calling, but have pretty much ignored the issue at hand. Though Ms. Fluke and I do not agree that a Religious organization should be forced to pay for items which are against their centuries old convictions, I do respect her right to free speech.

So while she may have had a real issue that she wanted to champion, it would seem that all she has become is a victim of the media and a pawn to get at Rush Limbaugh and other conservatives. To me that means she is really no closer to having an impact on her issue than she was before the "slut" word.

For the record her issue was birth control.

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