20 Eylül 2012 Perşembe

Love of Pets

My dog Chi-Chi is the love of my life and I would do anything for him. He is a huge part of our family and has an amazing personality.

On Friday the 3rd of August we found a lump on Chia's back that was a little smaller than a tennis ball. I took him to the vet on Saturday where she was going to take an biopsy. As she pricked the lump it started to ooze out a liquid. The vet said it looked like a hemorrhage and he would be okay.
By Sunday morning the lump had returned a little bigger but Chia was not in pain.
I called the vet on Monday and made a surgical appointment to have the lump removed.
The lump was removed Tuesday the 14th of August and it was sent off to get tested. I collected Chia Tuesday night from the vet and he seemed to be in good spirits eating dinner and being his happy little self. Wednesday morning came around and Chia wasn't doing too well, he could barely open his eyes and was shaking. I called my vet and she said that the pain medication had worn off and the area that they had to cut out was very large. I picked up some pain medication for Chia on Wednesday evening and he seemed to settle down but he wouldn't eat. Thursday morning Chia was in a worse condition, I raced Chia to the vet where they found he had a very high temperature and showing signs of infection. On Friday the 10th of August we got the results back from the lump and it was a cancerous tumour. I visited Chia everyday for at least 3 hours. He was placed onto a drip and dosed up on medication to make him better. Saturday the 11th of August the vet spoke to me about the chances of survival as Chia was not responding to the treatment. I held him for hours crying and praying for a miracle. I felt that this wasn't the time for us to say goodbye.
I would never want Chia to be in pain but I felt that we could fight the sickness and he could get better. I continued to visit everyday and by Wednesday the 15th we saw signs of improvement. He was finally eating and slowly walking. Unfortunately the bacterical infection was causing holes to form in Chia's body. He is getting his bandages changed twice a day. By Fridat the 17th Chia was almost back to his old self, he wagged his tail and could lift his leg to go to the bathroom.
I begged my vet to take Chia home for the weekend and promised to bring him back on Sunday for the bandages to be changed.
Although Chia hasn't been given the all clear yet and the infection is still causing chaos is his little body we see improvements everyday. It is lovely having him home but we have to be extremely careful with him as he is so delicate.
Chia will be 14 years old in October and I would do anything for my beautiful little man. I will always fight for him and I know he has put up a strong fight to still be here today and I love him for that.

These pictures of Chia were taken in December of 2011.

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